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I decided to change the way I showed the daylilies and have included a link to my Plantstep catalog. For 2015, I will not be offering plants for sale. I am still trying to get them organized into permanent beds and just don't have time to deal with selling this year. But I'd love to show you what I have in my collection. Please visit my listing on Plantstep.                                LOBO ROSE CATALOG ON PLANTSTEP.COM

I'm trying to arrange the beds in such a way to make it easier for hybridizing and will show some pictures so you can see what we're doing. I do have pages for some of my special collections.... STIPPLES and STRIPES, plus pages for my introductions and seedlings I am evaluating.

But this is a work in progress and there will be several additional beds added this year. I will update photos as they are completed.
This is one of the Diploid Double beds. There will be another on the opposite side of the sidewalk.  169 plants
This is a miniature bed...double.
Opposite side of the sidewalk. Around the watergarden, it will be planted with Dip Singles. Note the yellow outline. The double line in the upper left corner will be a path to the barn. Left side will be Dip Doubles.
Another view of the Dip Dpuble bed - started but not finished. Note the yellow line. That is roughly where the border will be. Compare with the picture above. The top yellow line in this photo would be the furthest left of the double lines in the picture aboveCurrently 63 plants but will hold 200 - 300, I believe.
Compare to top right picture. This is the start of the Diploid Single bed. Note the watergarden. It will go to the right line in the double line. Currently has 314 plants but should hold 700 - 800.
The Mini Single bed is a matching bed on the opposite side of the sidewalk.
Here are both mini beds  - looking over the top of the Diploid Double bed.
Here is the Stripes bed
Tetraploid singles - look toward the upper left and see the wishing well at the edge of the bed.. Compare with the next photo.
Note the wishing well. These are Tetraploid singles. 903 plants in this bed.
Tetraploid doubles - 271 plants
Toothy bed - currently  with 411 named plants and 200 seedlings.