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When the divorce was underway, I'd thought I would stay in Ohio, but plans changed in mid-May, 2012 and that started a mad dash of digging and potting plants in preparation of the move to Indiana. I did this while working full time and would run out and dig, pot, or load plants before work, on breaks, lunch, and after work. I borrowed a neighbor's truck and trailer to haul things and brought them to Indiana and put them in water beds to try to hold them over until I got moved and could start planting them. I finally brought the last load on August 31, 2012, and then started the process of getting them stuck in the ground as quickly as possibly. It was a horrible summer with over 30 consecutive days of 100 degrees or higher. Indiana had the worst drought  in a century. In the midst of this, I was bitten by a tick and developed Lyme's Disease . It was a struggle to push hard enough to get them planted but the last plant was in the ground the week before Thanksgiving. I filled Mom's vegetable garden and side yard. I knew they would all have to be dug and moved again but was out of time and did what I had to do to save them. In 2013, we started building new beds and moving plants  but at the end of the season, we still had well over 1000 left in the beds where we'd put them the fall before .  2014 was even more hectic than 2013 and I was really disappointed that there were still several hundred plants needing moved at the end of the season. I had to dig about 1000 plants and pot them so that I could get the beds organized the way I wanted. I'd been so rushed in the fall of 2013, that I'd had to plant a lot of things in the wrong beds, simply because I didn't have time to build all the new beds I needed. So having to dig and pot those plants added a lot of work at the beginning of the 2014 season. Hopefully, spring of 2015 will go a lot better since I have had the hip replacement and hopefully we will be able to finish building the rest of the beds.  Here are a few pictures to give you some idea of what it has involved.
Here are the horses I had to give away.....all registered Appaloosas with wonderful, loving personalities. See how gentle they are? Kid safe, in the pasture with no bridle or saddle...... no halters. And the lower right is the stallion that I trained and used for trailriding. He was a joy to be around!
It was a heartbreaking day when these beauties left. I still miss them!

Here is the first load of daylilies....potted and loaded.... ready to leave Ohio and head for their new home in Indiana.
Once they were in Indiana, we slapped together waterbeds to try to hold them over until I was moved to Indiana. I was pulling out with these loads after work on Friday nights, making the 4-5 hour drive and then unloading and putting plants in the waterbeds on Saturday and Sunday. Then I'd make the drive back to be ready for work Monday morning and would start digging and potting more to be ready for another trip the following Friday night. It was a killer summer! We pumped water out of the pond to furnish water for the waterbeds. That was a chore - especially in the middle of a drought when the water level in the pond was dropping dangerously low. Between the heat, drought, trial and error learning what worked with the waterbeds, and what didn't, and a rough winter,  I lost about 400 plants by the following spring, but considering the conditions and the fact that I was planting right up to the first hard freeze, I guess I was lucky that so many survived.
Once  I was here in Indiana permanently, the work began trying to beat Old Man Winter. The picture on the left was Mom's vegetable garden. These things were packed in like sardines... it's hard to believe there are nearly 3000 daylilies in these two beds!
Plus there were the roses. Actually, we planted the roses before we started planting the daylilies. Mom was a huge help with this whole venture! I don't think I could have done it without her help!